Hello Miss Margo!

Went to the Gilford show, daaammmmmnnn❤️🤘

Just realized, tomorrow I am 1,461 days AF! Thanks for being such a big influence on my life and happiness


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Howdy Margo. I’ll have a whole food plant based no egg roll tomorrow to celebrate your new tune!

If you would, please pass this along.

Myself and at least 4 others I know are Billy fans, seen him live a few times. But we’ve stopped going to his shows.

The reason why is there’s a growing contingent of angry dudes who’d just as soon punch you as look at you. Confederate flags. There’s a hardcore drug problem. So bad, that there’s usually a booth giving away free antidotes. The pot smoking, cigarettes, and vaping is so prevalent it’s hard to get away from.

I dig Billy, I have his vinyl. If fans want to harm themselves, waive confederate flags, that’s their free will and free speech. But I don’t want to be part of it. And neither do others.

Of course we know Billy is a good person.

But I think this is what happens when there’s so much emphasis on getting high.

Ask any old Dead Head. The same thing happened to Dead shows in the late 80’s. The scene got over run by shitty people who were only there for the party. It’s why I stopped going.

I know y’all dig promoting getting high. It’s free will. But I wish you’d zoom out.

Psychedelics can work for medical purposes. But they should be administered with the supervision of a medical professional.

The weed nowadays is super strong. Surely, it has negative effects on the brain and a person’s development.

Yes, bands and rock stars have been getting high forever. But it’s different now, with social media. Now, it’s always on. Fans constantly see it. Never before seen peer pressure.

Billy and yourself should ask yourselves, are you going to promote drug use to your children? If the answer is no, then why do you do it to your fans?

All love, Margo,

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Dear Spinbackwards, I get where you're coming from, but just like back in the day when "you stopped going" to see the Grateful Dead. There were a whole Bunch of us ,High as Kites ,doing the right thing. And growing, learning, teaching, listening and sharing. Point being, your reality is just that "yours alone" .What you choose to do with it makes it what it is. Sorry to say but if you truly feel like you do , and it seems like you care,maybe try engaging the folks you dispies for ruining "your scene ". Instead of pointing fingers and complaining . The facts 1 . Dust in a Baggie is about drugs.Its also how most folks first heard about Sir Strings 2. Almost every single country song is about abuse of some sort. Condoning it or Condemning it. 3. A flag is just that. You give it its powers to affect the "Ego" . I.E. the way you feel. 4. The power in this Lyric is freedom and peace.....Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at right. R.F Hunter.

Love the Single and the old school vibes Mrs. Price and Looking forward to the new project. Hopefully we'll see you in Zoo Town MT this year!

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You are so sweet, Margo! I love you and your music, and your motherhood! And i love Susan now! I'm brazilian and didn't know her. I'm going to spend my night listening to her and knitting. <3

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Congrats on the new song!!

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such a great summer tour❣️loved everything you and your band brought🙏

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Tolerance Breaks...Is a great Band Name and or Album name.

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Already stoned and in tears 🫶 Give Em Hell

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